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Fall Forward, and Fill Your Freezer.

It's hard to admit it, but today marks the start of our 15th week of a 16 week CSA season. This summer has simply flown. To our faithful and cherished members, we seek your forgiveness for a subpar publishing of updates on this site. Hopefully our weekly emails/texts have kept you abreast of your weekly items and our 2020 activities.. as it turned out, just harvesting and fulfilling CSA shares has taken up much of our time, and we really miss seeing you all face-to-face. Most importantly, we hope that you've enjoyed the food as much as we've enjoyed growing and sharing it.

It's time to transition to a more chill season now and we're hoping to help you prepare accordingly. This is a great time to fill your freezers. To make sure you have plenty of protein for the holidays and a chilly winter, consider placing an order for pork or chicken here. We just sent out the last pork of 2020 for processing, and we'll only have pasture raised chicken for a few more weeks - so if you enjoy knowing where your food comes from, and knowing that it is naturally and humanely grown, fill your freezer here! If you have any questions about our offerings, please feel free to reach out anytime at (518)817-5135.

With Gratitude,

Mark, Diana, Eva and Noah

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