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Basket Penultimate

Amazing to think it, but we are two shares away from a fall garden, stacking firewood and storing food for another long off-season. This weekend marks our 11th basket, with only one left to go!

It's been a true pleasure sharing our harvest with you all this summer, and tomorrow morning should be no exception. Here's what you can expect:

-1 Whole Chicken. Pasture raised, GMO free, and ready for the low-and-slow.




-Sweet Peppers

-Hot Peppers


-Cherry Tomatoes

-Mixed Greens





We extend our constant gratitude to you all for your steadfast participation, support and involvement in this CSA.. this summer has been a blast. We're looking forward to seeing you (or your back-up-basket-picker-upper) tomorrow morning, 9-11am, front porch, 135 Crystal Lake Road.

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