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Week 3: The Heat is on

The heat index has been above 100 all week! Much of the garden is loving the hot temperatures and you can almost hear the sweet corn growing. I'm sad to say that we lost the 'ripe tomato by the 4th of July challenge' (if there is such a thing), but today I noticed the first few fruits changing colors. With a healthy fruit set so far, it shouldn't be long before your shares have summer's most popular vine-ripened delicacy. I've also spotted some tiny jalapeños, and lots of blossoms on the green beans. Much to look forward to!

Unfortunately, with the heat comes serious pest pressure. A couple of cucumber vines have already succumbed to bacterial wilt, and the tomatillos are acting as a sacrificial lambs, attracting many of the potato bugs and cucumber beetles away from the tomatoes and potatoes. We grow with organic methods, so insect control options are limited ... we do our best, but refuse to dose our friends' and family's food with chemicals. I say this to gain your acceptance if your veggies have some holes here or there .. I promise: they still taste great! As Joel Salatin, one of my own personal heroes, puts it: if insects don't want to eat your plants, why would you?

Enough rambling. Here's the deal for this weekend:

Week 3 Pickup: Mike's House, 7/8/18, 8am-9am

Contents (subject to change):

Broiler Chicken, Lettuce, Swiss Chard, Kale, Bunching Onions, Sugar Snap Peas, Bok Choi, Parsley, Mint, and hopefully a couple of additions pending weather.

Scheduling Conflicts:

It is definitely still a holiday weekend, so we understand if folks are out of town, etc. - please let us know ASAP if you can't be there for Sunday pickup, or if you can't find a proxy to pick up for you. We will do our best to accommodate. Again, your share will be at higher quality the sooner you get it - we focus on varieties that have been selected for taste and nutrition, not storage and shipping... if your greens start to wilt, try an ice-water bath or better yet: an immediate olive oil/cast iron skillet bath!

Extras: Eggs and Bacon are available .. if you're interested you can purchase them at this site's store, or let me know via text or email and I'll be sure to bring them out for you. Also, not yet on the storefront, we do have Italian sausage, pork chops, pork tenderloin and pork shoulder roasts available. Let me know if you'd like to try something different, or if you have a special BBQ coming up!

As always, Thank You! This has been a great experience so far, all because we get to share what we love with such appreciative people. Your feedback has been awesome (we gratefully take the good and the bad!) and we love seeing the pictures you've shared on instagram ... keep 'em coming!

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